Alvina Tao

From Chemotherapy To Crushing Life
DSC06761 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results

Alvina started her journey with Surge after 18 grueling weeks of chemotherapy. Prior to her cancer diagnosis, she was already doing resistance training with a personal trainer but wasn’t seeing any results. When Alvina first started, she wasn’t looking for anything transformational like looking leaner or losing weight, she just wanted to get her strength & fitness levels back to where she was prior. From Chemotherapy To Crushing Life 

DSC06770 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results
Under her trainer Jacq, who created a workout and nutrition plan tailored to her needs, Alvina has a totally new mentality when it comes to weight Fr resistance training, as well as nutrition and how it affects the body. She can now run 5km easily and is definitely stronger than when she first came to Surge. The best part? Her cancer markers have been lower than ever and she’s aiming for a full remission in 4 years’ time. People close to Alvina are talking about how she looks so much healthier and fitter than ever!

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