Gabriella Telles Faure Transformation Photo

Gabriella Telles Faure

DSC00136 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results
Gabriella had one goal and that was to look stunning for her best friend’s wedding in Brazil. At that time, she always found herself feeling tired and burnt out from work daily. She knew something had to change, but she struggled to stay on track because of distractions. That was when she came to SURGE hoping to achieve her goal of becoming leaner and improving her strength performance.
Female Client With Woman Personal Trainer Jacqualine Toh Singapore

With the help of her trainer, Jacqueline, she managed to attain a remarkable drop of 12% in body fat in just 10 weeks. Numbers aside, Gabriella also smashed her performance goals by the end of her training phase.

At every step of the way, Jacqueline consistently worked closely with her to help integrate fitness sustainably into her lifestyle. The results achieved in such a short period of time proved true to Gabriella that anything is possible with the right mindset, attitude, and guidance.

DSC00088 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results

This journey taught her to trust the process – with practice and a change of habits, anyone can become stronger and become a better version of themselves.

She managed to perform proper push ups and ran a 5km run with ease. She believes one can find the right balance and understand themselves better if they have a proper plan to follow.

Ever since training with SURGE, she witnessed significant positive changes in her overall health. Working out soon became her respite which led to mood improvements and decreased stress levels. The important thing is to take the first step, start small and continue learning along the way. That is not all for Gabriella.

She intends to continue smashing more fitness goals at SURGE with her trainer. It’s only surging on from here!

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