Gaurav Bubna

20220411 Surge 374 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results
“You may not be there yet, but you are closer than you were yesterday”

Gaurav was doing strength training before joining Surge but lacked the structure and systemic knowledge to achieve his goals. The deadlifts were especially frustrating. Gaurav was hardly able to lift 80 percent of his own body weight despite constant practice. Nowadays he can lift 1.6 times his body weight with good form and stamina. And that’s only the beginning.

20220411 Surge 382 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results
One of Gaurav’s main challenges was changing his old nutrition habits. He used to love carbs and didn’t think twice listing a number of favourites. He was also committed to having vegetarian dinners with his wife where carbs are prevalent. Shaakir made it a point to teach Gaurav how to eat throughout the day so that he hits his protein target first and saves most of the carbs for dinner.
20220411 Surge 377 | Best Personal Training Fitness Gym Singapore | Surge PT: Strength & Results

Shaakir plans that once the initial cutting period is complete, they will tweak the nutrition approach and focus more on increasing Gaurav’s strength and performance. They already have their eyes set on the next deadlift target — two body weights. Upon joining Surge, Gaurav had rather modest goals until he learned from his trainer Shaakir what was actually possible.

He has not only lost 7 kg (twice as much as he planned) but also put on muscle mass, and now has long-term goals that he continues to work toward. Being a co-founder of a tech startup, Gaurav naturally works long hours and experiences a lot of stress. Thanks to strength training and positive lifestyle changes, these days he notices his energy levels increase, he is more productive with business tasks, and has become more creative and confident.

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