
8 weeks, Lost 6kg 10% Body Fat, Gained 2kg in Lean Muscle Mass, Cholesterol Reach Optimal Healthy Range
Doug Personal Training Client with Sheri Female Personal Trainer in Singapore Surge Gym

“Taking the first step was the hardest part, once you get along it gets easier”

Meet Douglas, a 45-year-old Regional Design Director & Principal Studio at a prominent international interior design firm, shares an inspiring transformation after joining Surge. In his demanding, high-stress role, he often travels across South Asia and attends numerous social events, making it challenging to prioritize his health.

Before joining Surge, Douglas struggled with high cholesterol and a stubborn beer belly, but his motivation to improve his physique and muscle tone led him to take action.

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In just 8 weeks, Douglas made remarkable progress. He lost 6kg, reduced his body fat by 10%, gained 2kg of lean muscle mass, and lowered his cholesterol to a healthy range. His energy, endurance, and strength have all significantly improved, and he’s thrilled to have achieved visible abs!

His personal trainer, Sheri, played a key role in this success by guiding him on proper nutrition and designing a workout routine that fit his busy travel schedule. Her consistent support helped Douglas form lasting habits that have benefited his health and overall well-being.

Doug Personal Training Client with Sheri Female Personal Trainer in Singapore Surge Gym 3

Douglas encourages anyone considering Surge to take the leap, noting that the hardest part is starting. Once he committed, the plan became easier, and the results speak for themselves.

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