Lost 10kg & health problem went away!

From 2018 to 2022, Ai Leen experienced a significant weight gain of 18kg, which had a detrimental impact on her overall well-being and caused various health issues, including asthma.

Determined to turn her life around, Ai Leen sought solutions to shed the excess weight as she approached her 50th birthday. She could already sense the physical changes associated with aging, feeling sluggish and fatigued. Her primary goals were to regain strength and vitality.

Maria, her devoted trainer, commenced their journey with gradual yet impactful lifestyle adjustments: starting with simple habits like staying hydrated with 2L of water daily and incorporating essential vitamins. Over time, they delved into more substantial changes such as optimizing her diet and enhancing sleep quality.

Within the past year, Ai Leen has successfully shed 10kg, and remarkably, all her health problems have vanished.

The most profound transformation, however, lies in her newfound confidence and appreciation for her body’s capabilities. Ai Leen now embraces a second chance at life with awe and gratitude.

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