Amrita Shrivastava

Mom of a newborn, still breastfeeding for the first 4 months of training

Final stats 1 year

Body Weight : 59.8 kg —> 47.8 kg
BodyFat : 31.3% —> 20.9%
Arm : 27 cm —> 24.5 cm
Hips: 96.5 cm —> 86 cm
Thigh 53 cm —> 45.6 cm
Waist 97.5 cm —> 80 cm

Amrita has been training with us for a year, she joined while still breastfeeding her newborn. Her goal was to lose post-pregnancy body fat and tone up. In the beginning we didn’t introduce caloric deficit to not interfere with her milk production. We used the initial period to learn how to eat mindfully and excluded deep fried/ fried food (which was a challenge).
She started cutting down after four months since the start of the program. Despite all sorts of setbacks and adherence to the nutrition plan being on and off, Amrita managed to lose 10 kg of her body fat. She went down from 31.3% to 20.9% fat, dropped 11,5 cm in the waistline and is happy with the result. Now she is able to continue strength training on her own and devote more time to playing tennis.


Band-assisted pull ups with the yellow band x6 reps
Trap bar deadlift 47 kg (own body weight) x10 reps

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