Daniel Hakim

Weight: 84kg to 73.9kg
BF: 25.8% to 13.9%
11.4kg fat loss, 1.4kg muscle gained.

Daniel Hakim, a young Risk Analyst at one of the big 4s, leads a hectic life filled with demands and late nights. He indulges in Macdonalds and many of his cravings to reward himself regularly to keep himself going.

One fine day, his cloths started to feel too tight and he decided that it is not healthy to continue leading his life that way.
That is when he decided to invest in his health and engage a health professional.
Hearing good reviews from his trusted resources, he decided to work with Surge Strength and Results.

Daniel suffers from Guillain Barre Syndrome and slip disc, but was meticulously cared for and managed by his trainer, Benny. In 6 months, he got into his best condition of his life and fit into all of his favorite’s clothes. Some even got too baggy.

Your disadvantages will only be your disadvantages if you allow it to be. If you want something you have never gotten before, you got to do something you have never done before.

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