In one way or another, the pandemic has affected everyone especially in the beginning. For Francis, the onset of COVID-19 led to retrenchment and his repatriation back to the Philippines, all of which resulted in stress and an inevitable weight gain.
He finally decided to take the leap of faith and join SURGE to train with his coach, Paul. It was his way of claiming ownership of his life and moving forward to become a better version of himself. “I wanted to do personal training as a way of empowering myself and taking control back of my life.”
Prior to that, Francis had his fair share of dabbling with fad diets and quick fat loss hacks, hoping to find the easy way out to getting results. However, he realized they never seemed to get him far enough to reach his goals. Paul’s holistic approach to fitness through a science-and data-driven program appealed to the engineer in Francis.
Under Paul’s guidance, Francis managed to sift out problem areas that were hindering him before and quickly discovered what works best for him. He then started making conscious lifestyle changes that benefited him both in and outside of the gym.
“Train not just to gain power, but to empower.”