Sean Ng

Ex military lost 3.2kg of fat, packed on 1.8kg of muscles in 2 month

In 2 month
Weight: 68.2kg -> 66.8kg
BF: 14.8% -> 10.3%
Lost 3.2kg of fat, packed on 1.8kg of muscles.
48 years old

Having gone through an emotional break up, Sean decided to channel his emotions positively and invest in his health and physique.

As an ex military, Sean is no stranger to exercising and healthy eating, but was unfortunately never muscular.

Having never stepped foot into a gym, Sean decided to engage Benny to guide him with weights training and nutrition for muscle growth.

In a short span of 2 months, he manages to completely transform his physique and got into incredible physical condition through correct and efficient training.

Well done, Sean!

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