Arjun Before and after


In 10 weeks , Body Weight: 70 kg to 62.5 kg (7.5 kg Lost) & Body Fat: 15.8% to 8.6% (7.1% Body Fat Lost)


A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Final Stats:

Body Weight: 70 kg to 62.5 kg (7.5 kg Lost)
Body Fat: 15.8% to 8.6% (7.1% Body Fat Lost)
Waist: 80.5 cm to 73 cm
Shoulder: 115 cm to 111 cm


40 KG Trap Bar Deadlift to 80 kg
12 kg DB Bench  Press to 20 KG
Not being able to do a hip hinge, to doing 65 KG BB RDL for 8 reps

Arjun began his fitness journey with me in March 2023. Despite already being an active individual with a passion for running, he was still dissatisfied with his body composition and specifically wanted to lose body fat and build muscle to improve it.

Together, we developed a short-term plan to lose body fat and a long-term plan to build muscle, with the aim of priming his body to build muscle more effectively. To achieve this, we worked on getting out of a calorie deficit as soon as possible after achieving a lean physique to enter a prolonged gaining phase.

We utilized planned refeeds during the 10-week period to effectively manipulate carbohydrates for maximum benefits leading up to his anticipated photoshoot.


As for his caloric and macronutrient intake, Arjun started on a 1600 calorie diet and only had two adjustments made to his total caloric intake, with the lowest being 1400 calories.

Despite having two working trips, lasting a week each, within the 10 weeks, we were able to navigate his nutrition plan and ensure he stayed on track due to his remarkable consistency and adherence.

Diabetes management personal trainer

The outcome: In only 10 weeks, Arjun went from 15.4% body fat to 8.7% while dropping his weight from 70 kg to 62.5 kg.

He not only experienced a significant improvement in his body composition but also noticed he was running at a faster pace with stronger legs and quicker recovery times.

Now that we have achieved his short-term objective, we have started implementing a reverse diet plan that will gradually increase his caloric intake to improve his metabolic capacity and spend a longer time in a caloric surplus to build lean tissue.

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