Cedric Conte

83 KG to 72.6 KG (10.4 kg lost) in 16 weeks
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Final Stats:

Body Weight: 83 KG to 72.6 KG (10.4 kg lost)
Body Fat: 19% to 10.6% (8.4 % Body Fat Lost)
Waist: 80.5 cm to 73 cm
Shoulder: 115 cm to 111 cm

Cedric began his fitness journey with us in July. Although we saw some progress within the first year, due to travel commitments we did not achieve the transformation.

Thus, in Apr 2022, we decided to embark on a 16 week journey to achieve his best body composition and aim for a photoshoot in August.

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Although he was hesitant due to making significant changes to his lifestyle, Cedric decided to take on the challenge once we both had a conversation.

Convincing him he did not have to give up his weekly social nights, holidays and indulging in wine every week. We just made better options and look to reduce portion sizes during the 16 weeks.

Cedric was surprised at what he could achieve within the 16 weeks without giving up on the things mentioned above and achieving his best physique at the age of 45.

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Moreover, we made significant progress on some exercises like the trap bar deadlift, dumbbell presses and split squats. 

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